International symposium 'New Frontiers in Innate Immunity and Inflammation'
Added on 22 oktober 2017

The ‘Iuliu Hatieganu’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy, the Romanian Center for Systems Immunology, and Radboud Center for Infectious Diseases Nijmegen invites you on Sept. 5th-7th 2018 to the international symposium ‘New Frontiers in Innate Immunity and Inflammation’ in the city of Cluj-Napoca, the heart of Transylvania. This international symposium will cover novel aspects on inflammation, microbiome and immunometabolism, related to the understanding of innate immune responses.  An international group of experts in the field will present their work, including Charles Dinarello, Luke’O’Neill, Ramnik Xavier, Joachim Schultze, Mihai Netea, Alberto Mantovani, Eicke Latz, Leo Joosten, Douglas Golenbock, Ioana Berindan-Neagoe, Herbert Tilg, Thirumala Kanneganti, Mihaela Lupse, Evangelos Giamarellos, Tom van der Poll, Dan Littman and Jos van der Meer.

The deadline for abstract submission is 15-April 2018, and for registration is 15-July 2018.